
detriot jersey

detriot jersey - Life's 5 F's
By Coach John Daly

Life has a lot of things going for it. You would think that the 5 F's of life would not be any of them. But they are. If any of you have your mind in the gutter on what the 5 F's are, now is the time to clean that out. (hehehe)

The 5 F's, once understood and worked on, can lead to success in your life in so many ways. The 5 F's simply are Faith, Fitness, Family, Friends and Finance. Faith is one of those topics that people have thoughts and ideas on, but is kind of ignored in general conversation. Most of this fear of talking about this is that they want to not offend others. Also, the thought is that things have to be kept separate. We can't talk about our faith at work too much, in schools, with others. There is a distinct reason that it's listed first. It really is the most important. If you take a look behind the scenes of just about all successful people, you will find the importance that faith played in that success. There are countless articles and experiments out there that have connected faith to being a healthier, happy, and satisfying life.

We can't really go anywhere today without hearing about how important Fitness is. Remember now, this is just not physical fitness. Fitness does carry over to emotionally, psychologically, and our attitude too. Most people like me, wake up and realize they can't just keep doing what they always did and feel good. For me being 43, that wake-up call has already happened. It takes work to be physically fit. Not only is it needed but it is worth it too. Successful people take their fitness very seriously and you will usually find it high on their priority list of things to do on a regular basis.

I also think as we get older Family comes into play a lot more than we ever thought of before. We can't choose our parents. But we can choose how we treat them, learn from them, behave around them, and as they get older too, it's also a choice to help them too. When it comes down the grand scheme of life, family is one of the important foundation pieces to a successful life. We need to work hard to help our families. Our choices and decisions we make in life affect a lot of people, our family first and foremost.

We have heard that the wealthiest people have the most Friends. A good friend of mine often says you can measure true friends by the fact that they would drop everything to help you. They don't judge you; they simply are there for you no matter what. That same friend said the more important part of that statement is how many people can count you as that friend. He has told me and my students countless times, we are truly lucky to have enough of those true friends to count on one hand. Who are those that can count you on their hand?? Those wealthy people with all the friends, most of the friends are not really true friends.? It's only because of the money most of the time.

Finance is not meant to be the least important, just because it comes last on this list. In fact, finance is one thing that is both necessary in life, but also one that should also be worked hard for. I'd be the last to say that money is the most important thing in life, for it really isn't. Too many people work just for money yet never find true happiness. We must remember it is simply a tool. People use tools for both good and bad choices. If we can work hard to stay out of debt, have our money grow to help and serve others, and detriot jersey realize the more detriot jersey we help others the more money will actually detriot jersey come our way. In today's world, a financial education is worth priceless amounts.

Your best investment is always yourself. How will you invest in yourself and your future today? Where do you rank in these "5 F's" of life? Drop me a note, I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.

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