
detriot dark blue and white hats

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Nearly every supervisor in the workplace feels they can be approached by others, but are they really "approachable?" ??What does "intervening" in the workplace mean to you as a supervisor or foreman?? What does it mean to the one being supervised??

In this article, we will examine the final moments of three aviation accidents in an attempt to get at what makes approachability in the field so difficult.? How can we become more approachable from the bottom up, from the detriot dark blue and white hats top down, and peer to peer?

When the dominoes begin falling, accident investigations often reveal that someone on the job could have intervened with a critical piece of information but either did not speak up or was not listened to.

Our purpose here is to not pick detriot dark blue and white hats apart each falling domino, but simply to look at the final moments, the end game, "the last domino" -- Approachability.

Reflect inward and ask yourself, what does "approachability" really look like, sound like, or feel like in the field? ?What you may find is that being approachable and intervening on the job is not as clear cut as you might think.?

- Air Florida Flight 90 ? crashed into the icy Potomac River January, 1982 (74 fatalities).
- Comair Flight 5191 - departed from the wrong runway in Lexington KY on August, 2006 (49 detriot dark blue and white hats fatalities).
- PanAm & KLM 747 crash on the island of Tenerife ? worst aviation accident in history (583 fatalities).

In each example, the pilots (workers) had the power to stop the work before disaster, but failed to do so.? Why?

Let's look at the final dominos of Air Florida Flight 90.? Just as they begin the work, the takeoff roll:
???????????????????????? Cockpit Voice Recorder transcripts
Co-Pilot :
?God, look at that thing. That don't seem right, does ?it? Uh, that's not right. (Referring to engine gauges)
Captain:?Yes it is, there's eighty.
(Referring to airspeed)
Co-Pilot: ?Naw, I don't think that's right. Uhhh, maybe it is.
Captain:?Hundred and twenty.
(Referring to accelerating airspeed)

?Co-Pilot?I don't know?
NOW BARELY AIRBBORNE, THE SOUND OF THE "STICKSHAKER" (warns pilots of impending stall) ?

Captain: Stalling! We're falling!"
Co-Pilot: Larry! We're going down Larry!
Captain: I know it!

When employees in the field are unsure of what they are seeing or experiencing they either won't speak up, for fear of looking stupid, or if they do speak up (which is the case with Air Florida) they may not be able to articulate exactly what they can or cannot see.? It is difficult to clearly explain a bad feeling you are having, especially to a supervisor.? So beware, approachability in the workplace may look or sound something like:

