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detriot jersey - Life's 5 F's
By Coach John Daly

Life has a lot of things going for it. You would think that the 5 F's of life would not be any of them. But they are. If any of you have your mind in the gutter on what the 5 F's are, now is the time to clean that out. (hehehe)

The 5 F's, once understood and worked on, can lead to success in your life in so many ways. The 5 F's simply are Faith, Fitness, Family, Friends and Finance. Faith is one of those topics that people have thoughts and ideas on, but is kind of ignored in general conversation. Most of this fear of talking about this is that they want to not offend others. Also, the thought is that things have to be kept separate. We can't talk about our faith at work too much, in schools, with others. There is a distinct reason that it's listed first. It really is the most important. If you take a look behind the scenes of just about all successful people, you will find the importance that faith played in that success. There are countless articles and experiments out there that have connected faith to being a healthier, happy, and satisfying life.

We can't really go anywhere today without hearing about how important Fitness is. Remember now, this is just not physical fitness. Fitness does carry over to emotionally, psychologically, and our attitude too. Most people like me, wake up and realize they can't just keep doing what they always did and feel good. For me being 43, that wake-up call has already happened. It takes work to be physically fit. Not only is it needed but it is worth it too. Successful people take their fitness very seriously and you will usually find it high on their priority list of things to do on a regular basis.

I also think as we get older Family comes into play a lot more than we ever thought of before. We can't choose our parents. But we can choose how we treat them, learn from them, behave around them, and as they get older too, it's also a choice to help them too. When it comes down the grand scheme of life, family is one of the important foundation pieces to a successful life. We need to work hard to help our families. Our choices and decisions we make in life affect a lot of people, our family first and foremost.

We have heard that the wealthiest people have the most Friends. A good friend of mine often says you can measure true friends by the fact that they would drop everything to help you. They don't judge you; they simply are there for you no matter what. That same friend said the more important part of that statement is how many people can count you as that friend. He has told me and my students countless times, we are truly lucky to have enough of those true friends to count on one hand. Who are those that can count you on their hand?? Those wealthy people with all the friends, most of the friends are not really true friends.? It's only because of the money most of the time.

Finance is not meant to be the least important, just because it comes last on this list. In fact, finance is one thing that is both necessary in life, but also one that should also be worked hard for. I'd be the last to say that money is the most important thing in life, for it really isn't. Too many people work just for money yet never find true happiness. We must remember it is simply a tool. People use tools for both good and bad choices. If we can work hard to stay out of debt, have our money grow to help and serve others, and detriot jersey realize the more detriot jersey we help others the more money will actually detriot jersey come our way. In today's world, a financial education is worth priceless amounts.

Your best investment is always yourself. How will you invest in yourself and your future today? Where do you rank in these "5 F's" of life? Drop me a note, I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.

Copyright 2009??? ?http://www.coachingtoexpectsuccess.com

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The Life You Inspire May Be detriot tigers white home jersey Your Own

by Michael D. Hume, M.S.

We're supposed to help each other in this life.

A lot of my clients aspire to be more inspirational as leaders... that's an aspiration I know a lot about, which is probably what draws these clients to me, and it's one I firmly support. Whether you own your own business, or work as detriot tigers white home jersey a leader in an organization, being able to help inspire the best in your teammates is a great tool to have at your disposal.

The ability to inspire others starts by being inspired yourself. If you are a sad-sack who sees no great passion in life and daily work, you'll never be a particularly inspirational leader. So find a way to turn on your own lights, and keep them lit, and you'll have great potential as an inspirational leader.

That brings me back to the detriot tigers white home jersey notion of helping each other. Some of the most inspirational leaders do not carry around an inflated sense of themselves - rather, they're humble people who sincerely like to help others. I've seen good CEOs hold the door for rank-and-file employees, and I've seen managers make themselves emergency babysitters for their underlings' kids. Sure, there are arrogant folks out there who'd never do those things, and there are plenty more who are simply too self-absorbed for the idea to ever occur to them. But the great leaders who serve and help others do it because they cannot do otherwise... and because it inspires not only the receiver of the assistance, but especially the giver herself.

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Have you ever found yourself looking at a self-made millionaire detriot tigers jersey and wondering what that person has that you do not have? After all, there has to be something that contributed to the millionaire's success -- something you have not quite figured out yet. Here is the deal… All self-made millionaires have three things in common. Many would pay a pretty penny to find out what these three things are. detriot tigers jersey I am going to let you in on the secret for free.

Unwavering Drive

One thing all self-made millionaires have, without fail, is unwavering drive and detriot tigers jersey ambition. Do not think these moguls experience instant success. The majority of self-made millionaires experience their share of defeat before success is ever achieved. The difference is the fact that they do not let defeat stop them. When these people fail, they pick themselves back up, brush off the dirt, put themselves back together and jump right back on the track to success.

If you want to succeed in life, learn a lesson from this common millionaire personality trait. Do not let failure stop you. Each time you fail, rejoice in it. It brings you that much closer to success.

Constant Thought

"I think, therefore I am." Sound familiar? It should. Descartes was quite a wise philosopher and he definitely understood the power of thought. So do self-made millionaires. The mind of a successful person is always at work. They breathe success, they eat success and they dream success. A common man looks at a pile of garbage and does not think anything about it. A successful man looks at a pile of garbage and wonders how it can make him a profit.

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Many of us start in completely the wrong place, focusing on our end of the equation: Thinking about being assertive, getting what we want, putting our point across, having impact, persuading people, winning the argument, and so on. When we need to influence people in organizations, none of these one-sided approaches is the answer. More assertiveness, persuasion, logic, impact, and influence aren't going to solve the problem. We're looking in the wrong place. Putting it bluntly, we need to back off.

Now, there's an understandable tendency to equate influencing others in organizations with selling to customers. We talk about "selling ideas" and borrow learning from the extensive resources in the very important area of sales, tigers dark blue and white hats thinking that it translates quite easily. That's dangerous because it doesn't.

There's a tigers dark blue and white hats better approach...

We need to shift our focus away from what we want to put across and toward what matters for the other person. (Of course, the most effective salespeople do that as well, but it may not be the first thought of the professional person seeking to persuade others of their point tigers dark blue and white hats of view.)

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We have all encountered toxic leaders and they exist in all walks of life from the business world, the military, government departs and even some entrepreneurs. Toxic leaders are those individuals who because of their destructive behaviours and personal dysfunctional qualities inflict serious harm on the people they lead and their organizations.

There are many psychological theories which try to explain why some leaders become toxic. However, what really matters to most of us is not the reason why people become toxic but how to handle them more effectively. It has been suggested that we all need authority figures and people who we feel will create good conditions for our survival. However many toxic leaders hide tigers dark blue and white caps behind grand illusions and noble visions promising a great deal but often delivering little. We can become deluded into thinking that they are strong leaders when in fact they are often narcissistic and ineffective in the leadership role.

So just how do you deal with a toxic leader to minimize the impact they have on you, your colleagues and the organization in which you operate?

Firstly find out if the toxic tigers dark blue and white caps leader who is causing you concern has a history of unacceptable behaviour. When did they operate before coming to your organization? Can you talk with any individuals who have tigers dark blue and white caps worked with them in the past? If you can build a history of the toxic leader' share it with your colleagues and those who are affected most by the unacceptable behaviour.

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Nearly every supervisor in the workplace feels they can be approached by others, but are they really "approachable?" ??What does "intervening" in the workplace mean to you as a supervisor or foreman?? What does it mean to the one being supervised??

In this article, we will examine the final moments of three aviation accidents in an attempt to get at what makes approachability in the field so difficult.? How can we become more approachable from the bottom up, from the detriot dark blue and white hats top down, and peer to peer?

When the dominoes begin falling, accident investigations often reveal that someone on the job could have intervened with a critical piece of information but either did not speak up or was not listened to.

Our purpose here is to not pick detriot dark blue and white hats apart each falling domino, but simply to look at the final moments, the end game, "the last domino" -- Approachability.

Reflect inward and ask yourself, what does "approachability" really look like, sound like, or feel like in the field? ?What you may find is that being approachable and intervening on the job is not as clear cut as you might think.?

- Air Florida Flight 90 ? crashed into the icy Potomac River January, 1982 (74 fatalities).
- Comair Flight 5191 - departed from the wrong runway in Lexington KY on August, 2006 (49 detriot dark blue and white hats fatalities).
- PanAm & KLM 747 crash on the island of Tenerife ? worst aviation accident in history (583 fatalities).

In each example, the pilots (workers) had the power to stop the work before disaster, but failed to do so.? Why?

Let's look at the final dominos of Air Florida Flight 90.? Just as they begin the work, the takeoff roll:
???????????????????????? Cockpit Voice Recorder transcripts
Co-Pilot :
?God, look at that thing. That don't seem right, does ?it? Uh, that's not right. (Referring to engine gauges)
Captain:?Yes it is, there's eighty.
(Referring to airspeed)
Co-Pilot: ?Naw, I don't think that's right. Uhhh, maybe it is.
Captain:?Hundred and twenty.
(Referring to accelerating airspeed)

?Co-Pilot?I don't know?
NOW BARELY AIRBBORNE, THE SOUND OF THE "STICKSHAKER" (warns pilots of impending stall) ?

Captain: Stalling! We're falling!"
Co-Pilot: Larry! We're going down Larry!
Captain: I know it!

When employees in the field are unsure of what they are seeing or experiencing they either won't speak up, for fear of looking stupid, or if they do speak up (which is the case with Air Florida) they may not be able to articulate exactly what they can or cannot see.? It is difficult to clearly explain a bad feeling you are having, especially to a supervisor.? So beware, approachability in the workplace may look or sound something like:

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We enjoyed a visit this past Friday from a couple of senior leaders, as well as a few staffers, from our higher headquarters and the headquarters one up. A few weeks back, we had a similar visit, and our guests detriot dark blue and white caps included THE senior leaders two levels detriot dark blue and white caps up (my boss and his boss).

Regardless of the degree of formality with these visits, they are always to some degree, tests and inspections.

Sometimes you will get indications that the visit is formally or informally a test or inspection.? Such indications could be found in the title of the visit (inspection, site assistance visit, program review).? The itinerary or agenda may also provide clues.? Further, who is on the visiting team (auditors, inspectors, quality control personnel) may indicate an inspection or test.

Other times, there will be no such indications that the visit includes an inspection. But the visit is still, in many ways, a test.? Everyone on the visiting team is observing and forming an impression, and will likely share that impression of you and your organization with someone at some point in the future.?

Think about it this way: if visitors from your higher headquarters come into your area and find discrepancies or problems that were not previously known at their level, do you not think that these details are going to be directly and immediately communicated to higher (perhaps with the connotation that they found something bad that you were trying to conceal)?

In any case, it pays to prepare for these visits as if they are a test (because, once again, they are).

Enough doom and gloom. detriot dark blue and white caps Let's examine this from a positive perspective: while these visits can be stressful and challenging, they can also be exceptional opportunities to showcase superstar performers; communicate ideas, challenges, or issues; and obtain resources and support. More on this later.

I have gotten to see several of these visits during my time in the Army, from the positions of visitor, 'visitee', and casual observer. When the visited organization's leaders prepare, the conditions are set to allow these visits to go as well as possible. When the visited organization's leaders don't prepare, it creates the potential for the visiting party to not feel welcomed. This is a bad way to start a visit from higher.

Further, during one of those times where I was the visitor, I received the treatment recommended in the list below, and I can't emphasize enough the value of a proper welcoming, forthcomingness with data and information, and just some basic hospitality and friendliness.? It really made me feel special, and set the conditions for a positive, productive visit.


Steps for a Successful VIP Visit

In order to create the best possible chance for a successful visit, and to take full advantage of senior leaders' and staffers' full attention, I recommend that you the following nine steps.

1. Establish Contact.? Start with 'We've received notice that you're inbound to visit, and I wanted to call and say welcome'.? Ask if they require any assistance getting in.? Confirm the timeline of their visit, as well as exactly who is coming.? Is there anything in particular that they want to see or discuss (gather intel and prepare)??

Once the initial call is made from you to the senior visitor, have your subject matter experts contact their counterparts on the visiting team to begin dialogue (and the collection of intel).

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Office meetings. They are both inevitable and necessary. Sometimes unbearably drawn out. Other times refreshingly productive. Regardless of the topics that will be discussed or the decisions that need to be made, observing proper meeting protocol should always be an item on your personal agenda. Whether you are the meeting facilitator or an attendee, a foolproof method to ensure you are minding your meeting Ps and Qs is to follow the 8 Ps of office meeting protocol.

Meeting attendance is an excellent indicator of the way people view the importance of others' time.

As the meeting facilitator, it is important to start and end the meeting on time. When you delay starting the meeting to wait for stragglers, you penalize the people who came on time and reward the people who did not. Doesn't make much sense, does it? Similarly, you are not obliged to disrupt the momentum of the meeting to accommodate latecomers by giving a recap of topics that have already been discussed. Throughout the meeting, you will want to keep things on track by sticking to the agenda and ensuring the discourse moves at the proper pace. Consider asking another attendee to serve as a timekeeper. It will be that person's responsibility to inform the rest of the group the amount of time remaining for discussion in any particular segment of the meeting.

If you are attending a meeting, you should make a concerted effort to be on time and to stay for the duration of the meeting. Aim to arrive at the meeting venue between 10 to 15 minutes prior to the start time. This will give you sufficient time to find a seat, help yourself to refreshments, and scan any meeting materials you did not receive beforehand. If you have a prior commitment and suspect that you may be late to the meeting or that you may need to leave early, communicate that to the meeting facilitator as soon as possible prior to the meeting date.

The key to a successful meeting lies in the preparation of the facilitator and the attendees.

As the meeting facilitator, your preparation sets the tone for the meeting long before the first agenda item is discussed. All the details discussed below should be attended to well in advance of your meeting. First, ensure the availability of a meeting space new era detriot tigers dark blue and white hats that will meet your requirements given the number of anticipated attendees, the length of your meeting, and any special equipment needs. You'll also want to arrange for the proper room setup. For instance, if you plan to have attendees work in small groups, you may want to reconfigure the layout of the tables and chairs. If you intend to use handouts during the meeting, decide whether you want to distribute those in advance with the meeting announcement or wait until the day of the meeting. Even if you choose the latter option, it is always a good idea to send out a copy of the new era detriot tigers dark blue and white hats agenda with the meeting announcement. Confirm the arrangements for food and beverage service, including the arrival and setup time. On the day prior to your meeting, test to see that the audiovisual equipment and sound devices are working optimally. If you will use your laptop during the meeting to show a presentation, conduct a test run to avert any unwelcome new era detriot tigers dark blue and white hats surprises later.

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Leaders can influence others to perform beyond the actions dictated by formal authority. There are various theories of leadership. The trait theory of leadership focused on identifying those traits that might be used to differentiate leaders from non-leaders. Behavioural leadership theories focused on the preferred behavioural styles that leaders demonstrated. According to the behavioural theories of leadership, there are autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire styles of leadership. In autocratic style, a leader tends to centralise authority, dictate work methods, make unilateral decisions, and limit employee participation. In democratic style, a leader tends to involve employees in decision making, delegate authority, and encourage participation in deciding work methods and goals, and use feedback as an opportunity for coaching employees. According to the laissez-faire style, a leader generally gave the group complete freedom to make decisions and complete the work in whatever way it saw fit. Contingency model of leadership proposed that effective group performance depended on the proper match between a leader's style of interacting with his or her followers and the degree to which the situation allowed the leader to control and influence. Situational leadership theory is a contingency theory that focuses on follower's readiness. Readiness refers to the extent to which people have the ability and willingness to accomplish a specific leader participation model is another contingency model of leadership theory that related leadership behaviour and participation in decision-making. The path goal theory of leadership says that it is the leader's job to assist his or her followers in attaining their goals and to provide the direction or support needed to ensure that their goals are compatible with the overall objectives of the group or organisation. Transactional leaders are leaders who guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements. Transformational leaders provide individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, and possess charisma. A charismatic leader is an enthusiastic, self-confident leader whose personality and actions influence people to behave in certain ways. Visionary leadership is the ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible, and attractive vision of the future that new era detriot tigers dark blue and white caps improves upon the present situation. In its essence, leadership is a lifestyle, not a position. Today's leaders need a model of life that fits all of their spheres of influence. Leading in your job, marriage, family and community are all important and all require you to be at your best. John Hawkins guides participants to see that long-term, effective leadership is built upon character, competence and commitment that are drawn from one's core beliefs and virtues.

Team Leadership: Leadership is increasingly taking place within a team context. As more organisatisations use work teams, the role of the leader in guiding team members becomes increasingly important. The challenge for most managers is new era detriot tigers dark blue and white caps learning how to become an effective team leader. They have to learn skills such as having the patience to share information, being able to trust others and to give up authority, and understanding when to intervene. Effective team leaders have mastered the difficult balancing act of knowing when to leave their teams alone new era detriot tigers dark blue and white caps and when to get involved. There are four specific leadership roles to a team leader. First, team leaders are liaisons with external constituencies, are troubleshooters, conflict managers and coaches.

Managers are increasingly leading by empowering their employees. Empowerment involves increasing the decision-making discretion of workers. Millions of individual employees and employee teams are making the key operating decisions that directly affect their work.

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Native Americans

Pre-contact native peoples, living in the northeastern part of North America, were the first people known to have produced maple syrup and maple sugar. According to their oral traditions, as well as archaeological evidence, maple tree sap was being processed for its sugar content long before Europeans arrived in the region.

The Algonquins recognized the sap as a source of energy and nutrition. At the beginning of the spring thaw, they used stone tools to make V-shaped incisions in the trees, then inserted reeds or concave pieces of bark to run the sap into buckets, which were often made from birch bark. The maple sap, already rich in sugar content and yet not sweet-tasting, was concentrated either by dropping hot cooking stones into the buckets, or by leaving them exposed to the cold temperatures overnight, and disposing of the layer of ice which formed on top.

First Nations and Native Americans also used earthenware cooking pots to boil the maple sap. They heated it over simple fires protected only by a roof of tree branches.

Colonial to modern times

A 19th-century illustration, "Sugar-Making Among the Indians in the North" (note the use of metal containers, introduced as a result of European contact)

In the early stages of European colonization, in north-eastern North America, native peoples showed the arriving colonists how to tap (into) the trunks of certain types of maple tree during the end-of-winter/early-spring thaw, harvest the sap, and boil it to evaporate some of the water, concentrating the sugar content within the remaining liquid, and altering its taste somewhat, by heat-caramelizing some of the sugars. This activity quickly became an integral part of colonial life. Well before the beginning of the 1700s, European settlers and fur traders, as well as Native Americans, were intensively involved in the industry. During the 17th and 18th centuries, processed maple sap was a major source of concentrated sugar, in both liquid and crystallized-solid form. The Europeans revised the processing methods somewhat, with their access to more advanced technologies; particularly in metallurgy, toolmaking, and the use of domesticated animals. Typically, maple sugaring parties began to operate at the start of the spring thaw in regions of woodland known to contain sufficiently large numbers of maples, concentrated within a reasonable range of transportation to justify the effort. They first bored holes in the trunks of the maples, usually more than one hole per large tree, inserted home-made (usually carved wooden) spouts into the holes, and then hung a wooden bucket from the protruding end of each spout to collect the sap. The buckets were commonly made by cutting bucket-sized cylindrical segments from an appropriately large tree-trunk and then hollowing out each segment's core from one end of the cylinder, creating a seamless watertight container. Sap slowly filled the buckets, drop by drop. Periodically, members of the sugaring party returned to retrieve the sap new era detriot tigers hats that had accumulated. It was then either transferred to larger holding vessels ( barrels, large pots, or hollowed-out wooden logs) often mounted on sledges or wagons pulled by draft animals or it was carried in buckets, or similarly convenient containers. The sap-collection buckets were returned to the spouts mounted on the trees, and the process was repeated for as long as the flow of sap remained "sweet". The specific weather conditions of the late-winter/early-spring "thaw" period were, and still are, critical in determining the length of the "sugaring" season. As the weather continues to warm, a maple tree's normal early spring biological process eventually alters the taste of the sap, making it unpalatable. Depending on conditions, a sugaring party could spend several days to several weeks engaged in these activities. The boiling process was time consuming. The harvested sap was transported back to the party's base camp, where it was then poured into large, (almost always) metal vessels and boiled to achieve the desired consistency. The sap was usually processed at a central collection point, either over a fire built out in the open, or inside a shelter built for that purpose. To protect themselves from the weather conditions of the very early spring, sugaring parties built a small camp. Often, whole families moved into the woods together to collect and boil the sap producing both maple syrup and maple sugar.

By the 1850s, the "sugar shack" or "sugarhouse" (the outdoor shack or building used to boil down the sap) arrived as we know it today. The settlers had refined the methods for collecting the sap. The sap was transported using large barrels pulled by horses or oxen and brought to the sugar shack for processing. At this time, maple sugar was the only sugar available as other types of sugar were hard to find and expensive and was called "country sugar". Production methods have been streamlined since colonial days, yet remain basically the same. Sap must first be collected and boiled down carefully to obtain pure syrup without chemical agents or preservatives.

Early maple syrup was made by boiling approximately forty gallons (160?l) of sap over an open fire until one gallon (4?l) of syrup was obtained.

This process underwent little change over the first two hundred years of recorded maple syrup making. Around the time of the American Civil War, syrup makers started using new era detriot tigers hats a large flat sheet metal pan as it was more efficient for boiling than a heavy rounded iron kettle which let much of the heated air slide past.

Virtually all syrup makers in the past were self-sufficient dairy farmers who made both syrup and sugar for their own use and for extra income. The process continued to evolve as a result of the innovations developed in their work. In 1864, a Canadian borrowed some design ideas from sorghum evaporators and put a series of baffles in the flat pans to channel the boiling sap. In 1872 a Vermonter developed an evaporator with two pans and a metal arch or firebox which greatly decreased boiling time. Seventeen years later, in 1889, another Canadian bent the tin that formed the bottom of a pan into a series of flues which increased the heated surface area of the pan and again decreased boiling time.

The technology remained the same until the 1960s, when it was no longer a self sufficient enterprise with large families as farm hands. Because syrup making was so labor intensive, farmers could no longer afford to hire the large crews it took to gather all the buckets and haul the sap to the evaporator house. During the energy crunch of the 1970s, syrup makers responded with another surge of technological breakthroughs. Tubing systems, which had been experimented with since the early part of the century were perfected and the sap came directly from the tree to the evaporator house. Vacuum pumps were added to the tubing systems. Pre-heaters were developed to recycle heat lost in the steam. Reverse-osmosis machines were developed to take a portion of water out of the sap before it was boiled. Several producers even obtained surplus desalinization machines from the U.S. Navy and used them to take a portion of water out of the sap prior to boiling.

The technological developments continue. Improvements in tubing, new filtering techniques, "supercharged" preheaters, and better storage containers have been developed. Research continues on pest control and improved woodlot management. In 2009, the University of Vermont unveiled a new type of tap which prevents backflow of sap into the tree, reducing bacterial new era detriot tigers hats contamination and preventing the tree from attempting to heal the bore hole.


Maple syrup production is centered in northeastern North America, and is commonly associated with Quebec in Canada; however, given the correct weather conditions, it can be made wherever maple trees grow. Usually, the maple species used are the sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and the black maple (Acer nigrum), because of a high sugar content in the sap of roughly two percent. A maple syrup production farm is called a "sugar bush" or "the sugarwoods". Sap is often boiled in a "sugar house" (also known as a "sugar shack" or cabane sucre), a building which is louvered at the top to vent the steam from the boiling sap.

Canada makes more than 80 percent of the world's maple syrup, producing about 26.5 million litres in 2005. The vast majority of this comes from Quebec: the province is by far the world's largest producer, with about 75 percent of the world production (24.66 million litres in 2005). Production in Quebec is controlled through a supply-management system, with producers receiving quota allotments from the Fdration des producteurs acricoles du Qubec. The province also maintains it own "strategic reserves" of maple syrup, which reached its highest point in 2004, when it totalled 60 million pounds, or 17.03 million litres.